Monday, June 21, 2010

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

The Enterprise Falcon

I love Star trek and Star Wars. I found some pictures and a You-Tube Video of Star Trek and Star Wars Combined. The Video is located in a link above. Also choose your favorite (out of Star Wars and Star Trek) in a poll. Here are the cool pictures:

Lightsaber Phasers!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Blog Pages

I discovered that I can create pages. You can find links to these pages above. The first link says, Center of the Universe, that should lead you to the page you are looking at now (The Bookman's Universe Home Page). There are other links too. I moved the movie Alan and Steve to a page that says Alan and Steve (see that page and the post below to learn more about this movie). There is another page that I won't explain in this post, but if you click on the link you can learn more. Look out for more pages coming soon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alan & Steve

I haven't been writing on my blog much because of school. But just recently in Scouts we made a movie (I was the director/producer and came up with the story) . It is called Alan & Steve and is based on the story of Adam and Eve. You can see it at I also have put a new Bee background for spring. You can also vote for your favorite Alan & Steve character, on the poll at the top right of this blog. Oh, and the game in the film in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii.